When you’ve traveled across oceans and it’s time to settle in the place of your dreams, aloha is the feeling of welcome. When life moves too swiftly and you long for a quieter time, aloha is the peaceful moment. When the smile of a friend illuminates the world, aloha is the voice of the heart.

Alo is the center of the universe; ha, the breath of the divine. Aloha is a greeting, a good-bye, an expression of love and caring. But it is much more. It’s a feeling that embodies the spirtuality of the Hawaiians, who bestowed aloha in word and deed. In the sanctuary of the unspoken, when grace surpasses the spoken word, there is the experience of aloha—its power to heal, to bring joy, to be returned in equal measure.

Welcome to Under the Hula Moon, where even the shadows dance.

Jocelyn Fujii

Here are some slices of life from Hawai‘i, excerpted from Stories of Aloha: Homegrown Treasures of Hawai‘i, an anthology of columns from “Under the Hula Moon” in the Spirit of Aloha magazine.

Each story is about 2-3 pages.  Click the left-side of the page for previous page, click the right-side of the page for next page.

To see more, go to www.hulamoonpress.com.
 Stories of Aloha

Stories of Life in Hawai‘i: